As part of our school's asthma management program, your child will work with the school nurse and other staff to follow his or her asthma action plan and learn how to reduce asthma symptoms and asthma attacks.
In order to provide the best possible asthma management for your child at school, we ask for your help with the following. Please:
- Get a written asthma action plan from your child's doctor or other health care provider and give a copy to your child's classroom teacher or the school health office. This asthma action plan states your child's treatment goals, medications and peak flow plan, and steps to reduce your child's asthma triggers. Please be sure the asthma action plan includes instructions for managing symptoms during special activities at school or away from school. Activities and events can include recess, gym, and outdoor play, field trips, parties, and art and music class. You may use the enclosed form or a form from your child's health care provider. If your child does not have a primary care provider, please talk with our school health team to work out a plan to support your child's asthma needs.
- Fill out the enclosed medication administration form(s) for any medication to be given at school or during school-sponsored activities away from school and submit it to your child's teacher or the school health office. Provide the health care provider's signature and the enclosed form if your child is to carry and take his or her own medication at school and school-sponsored activities. Please bring in medications in original containers with pharmacy labels; do not send medication in with your child. Keep medications refilled as needed, and check for expiration dates that may occur during the school year. If your child carries his or her own medication, and you would like to leave a second inhaler to store at school, you are welcome to do so.
- Meet with the school nurse—before school starts and as needed through the school year—to discuss your child's condition, medications, devices, and asthma triggers.
- Meet with teachers and other staff to develop a plan for communication and handling any work or tests your child might miss during school absences due to asthma. Also meet with physical education teachers and coaches to discuss any special needs related to exercised-induced asthma.
- Prepare your child. Be sure your child understands his or her medication plan and how to handle symptoms, triggers, and food restrictions. Discuss school policies that relate to your child's asthma management (such as rules about medication use).
- Tell school staff about any changes in your child's condition or asthma action plan.
- Tell your child's doctor or other health care provider about school services and supports for helping your child manage his or her asthma.
Our asthma management program also includes the following components, which will help support your child's asthma control while at school:
- Asthma training for all school staff so they are prepared to follow students' asthma action plans, to identify asthma symptoms and warning signs of asthma attacks, and to handle emergencies related to asthma
- An indoor air quality (IAQ) program to promote a healthy environment and reduce asthma triggers
- A supportive environment that encourages respect for others
Thank you for working with us to help your child. If you have questions or concerns about keeping your child's asthma well controlled while at school, please contact us at 501-847-0112 or by click here to email.
Click here to download the Student Inhaler Contract